Sliding Scale

Our Commitment

We are committed to making fresh, locally-grown food accessible to everyone in our community. We understand that financial situations vary, and we strive to ensure that our CSA program is inclusive and affordable for all.


Participation in the sliding scale is completely voluntary. We will not ask you any personal questions about finances or life circumstances. This program is based on honor.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sliding scale payment system?

A sliding scale payment system is a flexible approach that allows individuals and families to pay for our CSA shares based on their financial means. The cost of participation can be adjusted to accommodate different income levels, making it more accessible to a diverse range of community members. We use an honor system and do not require any financial information. We trust that our community members will make the right choice for themselves and the community.

Why do we offer a sliding scale?

Everyone should have access to healthy, organic, and regeneratively-raised food. Farming in a way that is good for the land costs more to produce high-quality and nutritious food. By offering a sliding scale, we hope that our vegetables will be affordable for all and that we can support our farm and employees with living wages. By offering a sliding scale, we aim to break down financial barriers and foster inclusivity, ensuring that more people can benefit from the bounty of our farm.

How does it work?

Our sliding scale is designed to be simple and transparent.

When you sign up for our CSA program, you will find a range of payment options. We provide suggested payment amounts based on the cost of production, but you have the flexibility to choose a level that aligns with your financial situation.

Whether you choose the higher end of the scale to support others in need or opt for a lower payment to make the program more accessible for yourself, we appreciate your commitment to our community and regenerative agriculture, and we trust you will make the right choice. 

Join us in building a healthier, more connected community through our CSA program. Together, we can cultivate a future where everyone can enjoy the benefits of fresh, locally sourced food.

Consider contributing more if...


  • Own your home
  • Have money in savings accounts such as retirement or investments, or have inherited money
  • Have access to family money and resources
  • Have significant discretionary income (a large traveling or entertainment budget)
  • Have a high degree of earning power due to education or other privileges

Consider contributing less if...


  • Are supporting other dependents or providing elderly care
  • Receive public assistance
  • Have limited access to family wealth and support during times of need
  • Have little-to-no discretionary income
  • Have significant non-mortgage debt
  • Have medical expenses

Sign up today

Whether you choose to contribute more, or less, we thank you for being a part of our local food community. Together, we are making healthy, regeneratively-raised food more accessible for our neighbors.