10 weeks of research & farming with Skidmore students

10 weeks of research & farming with Skidmore students

Over the last few summers we have been lucky enough to host two Skidmore College students at our farm to conduct soil carbon research. This season, Siddharth and Emme spend 10 weeks at the farm building on the work of our previous student researchers. As the summer comes to an end and they head back home, we are reflecting on the wonderful work they accomplished during their time at CFF. Here are the highlights:


▪️Analyzed over 1,400 young chestnut trees on the farm using an app called @sectormentor to record any disease presence, pest presence, and health/vigor of the tree.


▪️Collected 360 soil samples around 30 chestnut trees as a part of an experiment led by Jessy Labbe who is using these samples to track carbon accumulation rates at trees with different inoculants.


▪️Built off the work of our previous Skidmore summer research students who collected a baseline of soil carbon at Lock Seven, land we steward that is transitioning organic. The students took over 380 bulk density samples on this land, which will help us create a baseline bulk density map. Bulk density tells us how dense the soil is and is used to help calculate carbon stocks.


▪️Took soil samples in every field at our home farm and at Lock Seven so we can assess general soil health.


▪️Were a huge help working with the veggie and livestock departments learning the ins and outs of what it means to be a farmer!


Needless to say, Emme and Siddharth will be greatly missed! Wishing them all the best on their next chapters.

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